Friday, July 11, 2008

Splitsville for Arnold

There clearly is no summer lovin' in Tinseltown. Thankfully, AOL has made yet another time-wasting slideshow that highlights newly split, separated, and divorced A-listers ALL the way down to C-listers-turned-bottom-rung-of-society lowlifes. My favorite slide features Gary Coleman and estranged wife Shannon Price.

Times must be rough for Gary. Poor lil' feller can't even score a suit from Men's Wearhouse to look presentable in a courtroom, much less one that's televised for miserable housewives who down anti-depressants and bottles of wine on a nightly basis. At least the lilac-colored shirt looks cleanly pressed, but something tells me he's wearing white socks and black Sketchers.

Gary "stomps on the floor" when he's angry. WOW! Way to put those Sketchers to good use. Can't blame him, though, since he's irrelevant to 99.99% of humanity, and his insecure wife won't even listen to him. But, if he was screaming at my boobs all day, I'd probably tune him out, too.