Friday, March 30, 2007

The Secret

Easy for people to see this as a way to make themselves feel good, but if you really think about it its pretty bad

more here, here, here, here, here, and here

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Curse of the Underdog

So I consider myself pretty liberal. I adhear to most liberal ideas, pro-choice, national healthcare and things like that. But there is one subject that I have not been able to come around on and that is global warming. To most people it seems like a no-brainer that it is real and it is our fault. But it seems that most people are only buying this because its what they are told.

America has a tendency to like the underdog, I find this trait quite often in myself. And for a long time that underdog was global warming. However it seems now that this topic has recieved so much attention and so much publicity that it is being wholeheartly accepted as fact. So what happens when a majority begins to accept a viewpoint that was once an underdog? Well something else becomes that underdog. And in this case, for myself, the fact agaisnst GW are that underdog. But in this case it seems like they are proving more accurent. Science is an evolving narative and in that story we learn things about our protagonist in the evolving mystry. Not so long ago we thought that CO was causing GW and all our science pointed in that direction. But instead of halting all study and sounding the alarm bell, science turned the page. And we learned that like a good novel we were missing information that opened up a whole new area of interest.

Basically what we are being lead to belive is that cause of global warming is a misconstrued lie. It's like reading the Bible and stopping after the crucifixtion. You don't take new science and claim it to be gospel truth, in fact that's not science at all.

Anyway, check out this documentary if you get a chance. And root for the real the people who are dying because of "Global Warming"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Money Can't Buy Me Love

Reversal of Fortune

I often talk about this topic with friends. What is happiness? Do things make you happy? Or is it living a satisfying life? But what makes life satisfying? Anyway...

...via MoJo...

"...the distinguishing feature of our moment is this: Better has flown a few trees over to make her nest. And that changes everything. Now, with the stone of your life or your society gripped in your hand, you have to choose. It's More
or Better."

read the rest of the artical here.

Lewis Black + Religion

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ha...Tom Tomorrow

This Modern World


From the guys who brought you Bro Rape.....


I've gotten to the point where I can't even bring myself to watch small segments of Fox News even when it's displayed to illustrate a point. But regardless of that here's some funny images taken from Fox News' captions....

Fox News at its finest....

Tell The Truth

Mos Def - Immortal Technique - Eminem

never got much into hip hop/rap until lately...but I really enjoy this

and if you like that, check out this

Hate Speech

If you haven't checked out Crooks and Liars, its a pretty good site. I check it about everyday.

Here's a recent post that will rumple your foreskin.

For more fun hate speech go here