Saturday, December 22, 2007

DirtyCricket ep04 Christmas Special!

Hello good people. Here's a happy holiday to you from Justin and the rest of us. I hope you find enjoyment in our enjoyment of this season.

Also we won't be back until next see you then.

DirtyCricket ep04 Christmas Special!

Our fourth episode folks, a very special Christmas with Justin Howard

We'll be taking a Holiday break so look for us after the new year, thanks for watching!

Monday, December 10, 2007

DirtyCricket ep03 Week of 12.9.2007

The second and final installment of Dying for Immortality. Jeph visit's the cryonic's institute in Clinton Township Michigan. Stay tuned for more next week.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I Think We're Suppose to Celebrate

This is our 101st post, so we've reached some kind of mile stone here. Yay!

On another note, its a sad day for me. I know that I am truly growing up. I deleted the first blog I ever started checking from my Google Reader. Crooks and let me ode to you:

No, never mind.

Anyway, Crooks and Liars was the first blog I started checking, and the first blog that got me into all this blog stuff, back when I was a young high strung college pup, furious about what I thought was injustice in our political system. And it was, politicians are evil crooks and lying liars. But after years of reading about their hi jinx and getting out raged and annoyed it started to dawn on me that politics is always going to be full of crooks and liars, you're never going to cleans the system by blogging about it, and no amount of activism is going to change things, short of a revolution.

Over the years I started checking blogs that actually made me smile and laugh and every time I would see something on Crooks and Liars I would shun it and probably click "mark all as read" instead of sift through the tons of post that would accumulated during a day.

So today, I removed it. I had waited to do it out of sentimental value, but it just wasn't worth it. I figure that my Reader should be full of things I want to read not things I want to delete.

So happy 100 post! I hope you've found the things on this blog enjoyable. I will try and keep that up.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

DirtyCricket ep02 Week of 12/2/2007

This week, Justin shows the first part of a documentary by Jeph Porter