Tuesday, July 03, 2007

No One Says 'Y'all'

It's hard to explain how the north is more south than the south...

In January, I moved from Central Illinois to Atlanta. One of the first things I noticed was a severe lack of Confederate flags compared to Decatur. Apparently, the south doesn't care about rising... especially before noon. Oddly, though, I have a difficult time explaining to my friends here just how "south" the north really can be. Then I found this series of videos. The characters are from Tennessee, which isn't technically much more north than here, but it should be known that I actually went to high school with people like this, and I know for a fact they swarm across Illinois like a swarm of toothless locusts.

I know that Illinois is actually a "blue state," but that's somewhat misleading. Chicago is a "blue state," Illinois is not.

I've never used Blogspot before, but Jeph makes me do things with the promise of filthy lucre and probably hookers. This whole thing is new to me, that's why this post sucks.

Next time, I'll talk about why you should be glad Jerry Falwell is dead.