Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Science vs Psychosis

I was flipping through the channels and caught the Catholic channel. They were interviewing a guy who wrote a book about Catholic responses to scientific issues.
The writer was not a scientist.
All I could really watch without blood coming out of my nose was a bit about "the fallacy of the atom model." Science has determined that atoms are comprised largely of empty space. The writer's argument was that this can't be true, because you obviously can't have matter made of empty space. Obviously.
This reminds me of an event a couple months ago, in which I witnessed a Fox News segment in which they interviewed a weatherman who was giving arguments against global warming. Here, I use the word "weatherman" to differentiate from a "meteorologist."
One is a scientist. The other is a guy that comes on the news for ten minutes a day.
This would be like having a game show host talking about economics.
Stop it.


Jeph Porter said...

I once saw something on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network for those heathens out there) Where a "scientist", who obviously just a preacher who had read some first grade science books before, was going through the time line of history and refuting all the science that is so obviously wrong. Needless to say I watched it in a blood fury