Anyone else really fucking sick of reading about celebrity stints in rehab and jail? When I went to yesterday to see what was going on in the world, and what I got was Paris Hilton's face front and center, it got me thinking...
What, really, is the difference between Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan and Shanay'nay the crazy crack-whore who hangs out in front of the liquor store? Besides (obviously) income, I'd argue that Lindsay and Shanay'nay (or at least RDJ and Shanay'nay) are, for all intents and purposes, the same.
Lindsay shops for coke from passers-by in elite night clubs, Shanay'nay shops for coke from passers-by. Lindsay makes a mess of herself in the public eye, Shanay'nay makes a mess of herself in public. Lindsay checks into upscale rehab centers, Shanay'nay gets picked up by the fuzz. Both promise to stay clean, both fail. The similarities are staggering.
Still, somehow we idolize one and regard the other with the utmost contempt. I wonder what that says about us as a society, that our idols and our scum are, in essence, the same people...oooh, I know! Our idols are scum? Scum your idols? What?
The thing is, Shanay'nay's crack addiction is probably considerably more valid than Lindsay's (Not that I have the authority to validate anyone's addiction). 'Cuz really, what's Lindsay need an escape from? All that whiney celebrity bullshit about all the pressure of constantly being on display, I don't buy it. Unless you're Steve Bartman, or that guy with TB, or Elian Gonzales, you're generally not famous by accident. Being in the public eye is part and parcel of being a star, there has never been any serious evidence to the contrary. So, the sob story about how all the pressure drove you to your drug addiction? Fuck you. Your fame just gave you the money to buy the good shit. Shanay'nay on the other hand, was probably neglected, or more likely abused as a child, probably never had truly sufficient education, probably has only ever worked minimum wage jobs that don't pay the bills, never had a loving supportive family who gave a fuck if she did crack, etc. Shanay'nay probably has the kind of problems from which crack does seem like a viable escape. **I'd like to note here: crack is never a viable escape. When you think about it, we should actually be MORE sympathetic to Shanay'nay's plight than to Lindsay's.
What's that you say? But Lindsay's got a nicer rack?
Pshhhhh, you clearly haven't seen Shanay'nay flash creepy-rascal-riding-guy for a dollar.
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3 years ago
Dear Nomi, Lindsay does have a psycho ass dad; he would have made her somewhat famous even if she hadn’t become a movie star.
They tried to make her go to rehab she said NO, NO, NO, NO....
My question: Why is Paris going to jail? Well, because she kept driving even after she lost her license. Why are people with drivers driving drunk? I mean it is always a bad choice to drive while intoxicated, but a girl that can have a limo sitting outside waiting for her shitfaced ass? I'm so confused.
Love, Sylv
Why are people with drivers driving drunk? [...] I'm so confused.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
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